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Monday, January 5, 2015

Setting Goals the SMART way

Goals---Be accountable

While on my quest for my Genealogy Do Over, I came across Miriam J Robbins' blog post about how to set goals.

It is called SMART goals.  After reading the blog, I am going to use the process not only in my genealogy reboot, but also for other areas in my life, like work, other projects, and in general.

I haven't yet searched for "Smart goals" on the internet, but it is on my list of things to do.

Smart is basically an acronym for

Specific - Just "getting organized" isn't specific enough. It doesn't tell who, what where, when, or why you are getting organized.

Measurable - It has to be measurable to determine if you are still on track, and how you are progressing. Here is where you want to define the how of your goal.

Attainable - Can you use your abilities and skills to complete the goal.  Miriam shared these links if you are challenged in any areas. 

Realistic - Is your goal obtainable with the resources you currently have?

Timely - Set a completion date, or the when of the goal.

Remember habits take around 21 days to be formed.  Try setting a calendar alert on your phone or on your email until it becomes second nature to work the tasks for your goals.  

Cozi is a great free app for your phone to set up calendar events for the whole family, which is great to make sure you don't have any conflicts.

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